How Castle, Benson, & Gibbs helped me discover my ancestors

The other night I’m once again frustrated with my ever increasing cable bill and decide to do a pros vs cons chart of why I should stop cable or keep it. I began to list the shows that I spend the most time with and would need to research if I could still get these without cable TV.   What I discovered was that I love crime TV. I spend lot of time watching cop shows like NCIS and Law & Order. What do Homicide Hunter: Lt. Joe Kenda and the NYPD homicide investigation team on Castle have in common? They are investigators.   A crime happens. The cops show up and immediately start to canvass the neighborhood or scene of the crime. They talk to the neighbors and witnesses. Then they interview the family and known associates of the victim. Next it’s time to ask, did they have any e ...


Meeting Mom

HOW, AT ALMOST 60, FRAZIER GREEN MET HIS MOTHER FOR THE FIRST TIME My Roots Foundation recently asked for your help to help Frazier Green Meet his birth mother for the fist time. I want to personally say ‘Thank you’ to everyone who made this trip possible for him. It is a big deal when a person meets their birth mother for the first time. Whether this meeting occurs at birth or after almost 6 decades, there is a bond made between mother and son that can not be broken. Here is Frazier’ story. My days in Gainesville, Florida were awesome. After a few years of dorm living at the University of Florida I moved off campus into the Gatorwood apartment complex. Campus, shopping, my fraternity, and my church were all right around me; it was some of the best times of my life. Our college household f ...


Resources for Finding Your Biological Family

Recently I was involved in helping a friend reunite with his biological mother.  The experience was quite moving for me.  I spend much of my time searching for family histories and know how difficult it can be for one to trace one’s biological family.   Most adult adoptees today who were adopted as babies, grew up in an era of “closed” adoptions.  Closed Adoptions (also called “secret adoption” or “confidential adoptions”) occur when a newborn is adopted at birth by another family and the records of the baby’s biological family is kept secret. Since the whole point is secrecy, a closed adoption cannot be performed with an older child who knows their biological parents.   When you search for information on your closed adoption, you may receive non-ide ...


Help Frazier Green meet his birth mom for the first time this Mother’s Day

  This will be the most memorable Mother’s Day ever for Frazier Green and Ann Brown. Alonzo first met Frazier Green at the University of Florida back in the 70’s. It was shortly before this that Frazier discovered he was adopted. Very little effort was put into finding his birth mom at the time, due to the pressing issues of life. Now 51 years later, Frazier began the search, and this time – he found her! Mother’s Day is when we do our best to honor our mothers. This desire to honor our parents is so natural that most creatures imprint on the first one they see after birth and quickly ID “mamma.” Knowing mom and dad is so important every major religion on the planet has an admonishment to honor your mother and father. Mother’s Day 2016 has bee ...


“Long Lost Family”

OK Folks, did you happen to catch the other night’s episode of “Long Lost Family” where the woman discovers that a co-worker is her birth mother?  The show“proves” a theory I’ve been seeing on for a while.  I refer to a theory of personality types where personality types “run” in families and result in similar careers and vocations showing up frequently in one’s family tree.The Holland Codes or the Holland Occupational Themes (RIASEC) lists 6types: •    R = Doers (Realistic) •    I = Thinkers (Investigative) •    A = Creators (Artistic) •    S = Helpers (Social) •    E = Persuaders (Enterprising) •    C = Organizers (Conventional)  In the episode, titled “Your Mom’s Been Here the Whole Time” 40-year-old Jenny Thomas, spent 15 years trying to find her birth mother.  She si ...
